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The one the other


One must love the other more

Than the other loves the one;

It's as certain as the rising

And the setting of the sun;

The sorrow of a love begins

Before the love's begun,

For one will love the other more

Than the other loves the one.


The Bible shows that Adam

Bore a greater love than Eve,

Then betrayed an even greater love

And so the pair would leave

A Paradise that still was made

However Father spun

Where one would love the other more

Than the other loves the one.


What the Don Juan deftly plays on,

What the hermits flee and shun,

Would be a law had Newton

Raised a wise and loving son:

In the kingdom of the human heart

There's equality for none,

For one must love the other more

Than the other loves the one.


Who's the one? Who's the other?

Who can truly say?—

Here beneath the stars where love

Finds so much in her way.

We may only learn from Father

When our days on Earth are done

Of who had loved the other more

Than the other loved the one.


Ask the anarchist and rabbi,

Ask the harlot, ask the nun,

Ask your own love (if you dare)

And the fiddler all in fun,

And they'll tell you with a tear,

Oh they'll tell you every one,

How one must love the other more

Than the other loves the one.



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